Kotor, Montenegro

Both of us were looking forward to Montenegro, and it didn’t disappoint.  Kotor is a small coastal town built on the Adriatic coast at the base of gorgeous mountains.  

Pete hung out at a café, while Monica explored the 1,000-year-old Cathedral. of Sant Tryphon

Before we left, we walked along the tiny beach, and ate at a small restaurant on the water that served freshly caught flounder.  It almost beat what we ate at In Rada restaurant in Taranto. Delicious!

Montenegro was a tender port, so we had to take a crowded boat to and from the ship.  They crammed us on the boat like sardines, and neither one of us was comfortable.  It’s amazing how fearless people are about crowing next to each other, since it’s only been three years since the pandemic.  (A week later, Monica would unknowingly catch Covid, and then give it to Peter.  See our post about Amsterdam.)